Monday, June 24, 2013


This blog is called 'untitled' because the way I feel right now is unexplainable more or less. Between Saturday night and Monday morning, so many things happened at once that left me feeling confused, hurt and now numb. But there are just a couple things I feel need to get off my chest.

First, I'd like to state that I appreciate honesty, even though I may not like the truth at first, I would still respect you very much and even thank you in the end if you highlighted something to me that no one else would dare mention. That's why the respect and trust I have for my parents and my sister is second to none. I really don't appreciate being told sometime afterward how you really feel. It sucks because I did feel that way, and now I do not, and I'm pretty sure I can't go back feeling the way I did before. Knowing myself, I tend to try to move forward as much as I possibly can, because dwelling on past issues has made me too stressed out than I need to be. So honestly all I can say right now is yes, there is nothing that can be done about that, but I don't want to be resented. I still consider you a friend, and I hope you can still consider me such in the future. But as of now, I appreciate your honesty and I respect you and trust you a bit more for it. Right now though, I honestly resent the timing. But who knows what the future may hold.

Second, I just have to rant on this, because this is what has me most upset, confused, hurt and kinda weirded out at the moment. I've been friends with this person for just over ten years (wow has it been that long?), and recently she has been getting more into her religion and refraining from several things that she has done in the past, like listening to certain genres of music and watching certain TV shows. Because she was my friend, I accepted her changes, and her new found commitment to her religion. She changed for the better, and I watched in pride as my friend grew from her old ways, to her new sacred ways. However, I have noticed that she has been drifting away from me and her other friends from high school and university. I thought okay, she needs her space and she'd reach out when she's ready, and I backed off a bit. But I noticed that she wouldn't try to reach out, and would literally avoid most outings I would invite her to. The way we kept in contact oftentimes was via Twitter, and I know it was the one place I could have reached her reliably if I wanted to. I felt as though it was the sole real bind to the friendship we possessed. My friend dealt me a blow when she told she only wants to follow pages on Twitter that relate to her religion and that she wants to follow persons whose tweets she relates to.  I felt really hurt that she basically wanted to dislodge what I thought to be the last stronghold of friendship we held. I'm not sure how to react to this, but right now I'm pretty annoyed about it. I get the feeling now, as of this moment, we'd be drifting apart. Her unfollowing me symbolizes the beginning of the end of the friendship we had. At first I thought maybe I'm overreacting, but the 'being distant' thing has been going on a while, and this is the abrupt beginning of what I feel is the end. Everything between us changes now, and it is kinda hard for me to believe.

Not sure how I feel about this totally, but right now I'm definitely annoyed and confused.

The last thing I want to talk about is the blog I saw of three American female citizens travelling into Trinidad for a relative's wedding. The were yelled at, beaten and arrested by airport authorities, and have been in jail for the past few days. The entire situation to me is very unfortunate, and it does paint travelling to my country in horrible way. I am actually in shock at this story. But what's interesting is that persons who are Trinidadian, who do not live in Trinidad are using this story as a justification as to why they're not living here, and that's why Trinidad is in such a bad place, and that's why Trinidad is backward. This is just one story and one must remember there are always three sides to a story. Yes it is an unfortunate situation, but should this story really be used as an excuse for you not living here? I think everyone has choices, and I think those who migrated made a choice to do so whether it was a difficult or easy decision. The story, nonetheless, is a very unfortunate one, and I hope they come out of this situation soon. One thing's for sure though, future visitors, if they read the story, would be wary of visiting, which is understandable. The tourist experience begins and ends with the flight, and if the flight experience is bad, it will taint the rest of the time they spend at a destination. Therefore airport authorities need to be more careful when interacting with travelers at that point.

End of rant. However, gonna try my best to have positive vibes today mayne.

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